Impro­ving eggs qua­li­ty and oocy­te quan­ti­ty (The secret reci­pe from my Ger­man Blog)

Qualität der Eizellen verbessern mit Pimp my eggs

Impro­ving eggs qua­li­ty: First of all, when someone tells me about a secret reci­pe for beco­ming pregnant, I’m always sus­pi­cious. Becau­se mira­cles, when it comes to an unful­fil­led desi­re for child­ren, unfort­u­na­te­ly, are rare. That’s why I’ve been thin­king for a long time about whe­ther this head­line is right. But I think the mat­ter will do it jus­ti­ce. Egg qua­li­ty and oocy­te quan­ti­ty play a cru­cial role in the repro­duc­ti­ve health when you are try­ing to con­cie­ve. This is espe­ci­al­ly true for IVF or ICSI pro­ce­du­res — but is also rele­vant in the natu­ral mens­tru­al cycle.

I recent­ly published an artic­le describ­ing the sup­ple­ments for impro­ving egg cell qua­li­ty. The post is very popu­lar: many women want a baby and want to get pregnant, but it just isn‘t suc­cessful. That’s why I rese­ar­ched fur­ther on this topic and found rele­vant data on Insta­gram.
The­re, many women report on their expe­ri­en­ces and con­cerns about the issue of con­cie­ving. One of the­se women is kiwu.journey. She has now under­go­ne through 3 unsuc­cessful ICSIS and the­r­e­fo­re made some efforts to impro­ve fer­ti­li­ty in pre­pa­ra­ti­on for her 4th ICSI.

She demons­tra­b­ly impro­ved the qua­li­ty and quan­ti­ty of her eggs. Howe­ver, she did not opt ​​for stan­dard pro­ducts.

Impro­ving the egg qua­li­ty and oocy­te quan­ti­ty

That’s why I asked kiwu.journey for her secret reci­pe for impro­ving the qua­li­ty of her eggs.

She not only gave me a short inter­view, she also pro­vi­ded a pho­to. Just like me, she wants to help many cou­ples with an unful­fil­led desi­re for child­ren. Just gre­at! (Here’s also the reci­pe for the man aiming to impro­ve his fer­ti­li­ty, by the way.)

Qualität Eizellen und Quantität Eizellen verbessern

(The links to the pro­ducts can be found below in the text.
The­re are par­ti­al­ly also pro­ducts from other manu­fac­tu­r­ers in the pho­to, but all are recom­men­ded by Kiwu.journey).

Kiwi.journey hers­elf has done an incre­di­ble amount of rese­arch and read a lot of sci­en­ti­fic stu­dies and books. Most of the rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on can be found in the Eng­lish lite­ra­tu­re.

Kiwu.journey explai­ned:

“I did a lot of rese­arch on Pub­Med, an Eng­lish-lan­guage plat­form. Many sci­en­ti­fic stu­dies from all over the world are coll­ec­ted in Pub­Med. I also read a lot in the book. Also in this book, the­re are over 100 refe­ren­ces to stu­dies I alre­a­dy knew. The start­ing point for ever­y­thing around vit­amin D was with the book. Howe­ver, this refers only to a minor part of repro­duc­ti­ve health. That’s why I rese­ar­ched deeper on the inter­net.”

The rea­liza­ti­on: One usual­ly resorts to under­do­sed and expen­si­ve com­bi­na­ti­on pro­ducts.
Kiwu.journey con­ti­nues, “Well, what I did first when I read about this or that vit­amin and was advi­sed in the lite­ra­tu­re that it should be bene­fi­ci­al for me: I loo­ked at what form you should take it. My focus was on the hig­hest pos­si­ble bio­avai­la­bi­li­ty and as litt­le che­mis­try as pos­si­ble. ”

She gave me the fol­lo­wing examp­les:

Folic acid comes in dif­fe­rent forms. The best bio­available form is meta­fo­lin. It is simi­lar with sele­ni­um. Here you should take the good Selen­me­thio­nin. Also with the Q10 it is much more useful to take the alre­a­dy con­ver­ted form Ubi­qui­nol.

“Becau­se qua­li­ty is important to me, I also find not­hing sui­ta­ble in the local retail sec­tor. Here you will find only very bad “cheap” forms of vit­amins. That which is excre­ted by your body almost direct­ly, becau­se the sto­mach and intesti­ne can not com­ple­te­ly absorb it. So I was forced to look on the inter­net. ”

With the pro­ducts men­tio­ned here, kiwu.journey has had the best expe­ri­ence. Do not let yours­elf be con­fu­sed if some other pro­ducts are shown in the pho­to. Not all manu­fac­tu­r­ers are always available. The pro­ducts behind the links are simi­lar to tho­se recom­men­ded in the pho­to and by kiwu.journey as well.

Based on the­se expe­ri­en­ces she comes to fol­low day by day the fol­lo­wing recom­men­da­ti­ons:

(* Ama­zon part­ner links)

The inta­ke should start in about 3–4 months befo­re (befo­re an IVF or ICSI, but of cour­se it is also pos­si­ble to use the­se pro­ducts during the natu­ral mens­tru­al cycle). Oocytes, like sperm, take about 3–4 months to matu­re. One should dis­tri­bu­te the sup­ple­ments throug­hout the day — pre­fer­a­b­ly not on an emp­ty sto­mach, but with meals, sin­ce, for exam­p­le, Vit­amin D is lipo­so­lu­b­le. Zinc and sele­ni­um should be taken sepa­ra­te­ly if pos­si­ble.
If all this is too much or too expen­si­ve, you should not miss the high-dose Q10 (Ubi­qui­nol) as well as the high-qua­li­ty vit­amin D. If you con­sider how much money you put into the fer­ti­li­ty tre­at­ment, the invest­ment in bet­ter oocytes could be real­ly worth it :-))

The chan­ces of get­ting pregnant increase as a result and through that also the pro­ba­bi­li­ty of having a baby is beco­ming grea­ter.
The nee­ded per­so­nal dose of your own vit­amin D requi­re­ment can be cal­cu­la­ted from the blood levels: If you do not know your own value, you are well pro­vi­ded for with 2000 IE.

Through die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments the oocytes are pre­pared for the attempt at con­cie­ving in the best pos­si­ble way. If they are then “har­ve­s­ted”, this is not neces­sa­ry any­mo­re. So you can stop with most vit­amins at the time of the egg punc­tu­re. Con­ti­nue only with the sup­ple­ments that are very important for the embryo, e.g. Vit­amin D and folic acid.

If it did not work out and a new try is neces­sa­ry the­re is usal­ly a break inbet­ween the attempts. If the pregnan­cy test is nega­ti­ve, you can start again with the pro­cess. Also with inse­mi­na­ti­on, you can eit­her hand­le it the same way or you can just keep on taking the sup­ple­ments becau­se the breaks bet­ween IUIs are shorter. Basi­cal­ly, “Pimp my Eggs” is sui­ta­ble for all women, but espe­ci­al­ly for IVF / ICSI pati­ents, in which many egg cells need to deve­lop and ripen.

Vit­amin D should always be taken with a fat­ty meal (even a pie­ce of cheese is enough). Zinc is best taken sepa­ra­te­ly from sele­ni­um, but also with a meal. It is irrele­vant at what time of the day Q10 is taken. Any time of the day is ok.

Women with coagu­la­ti­on dis­or­ders should con­sult with their doc­tor befo­re taking Q10 sup­ple­ments as it also affects blood clot­ting. Anyo­ne else, who has any con­cerns should, of cour­se, talk to their phy­si­ci­an.

At this point again a big thank you to kiwu.journey on behalf of all women whom this infor­ma­ti­on will help on their jour­ney to con­ci­ve and bear their desi­red child!

Ques­ti­ons about Pimp my eggs? Click here for the Face­book group

Sin­ce many women now use Pimp my eggs and ques­ti­ons keep coming up, I estab­lished a clo­sed group on Face­book for the exch­an­ge. You are wel­co­me to join here: Pimp my Eggs on Face­book.

All pro­ducts for you at a glan­ce *:

Zink aktiv, 25 mg, hochdosiert, 120 Tabletten, vegan - hohe Verfügbarkeit. Für Testosteronspiegel, Fettsäure- und Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel. OHNE künstliche Zusätze. Ohne Gentechnik.
Zink aktiv, 25 mg, hoch­do­siert, 120 Tablet­ten, vegan — hohe Ver­füg­bar­keit. Für Tes­to­ste­ron­spie­gel, Fett­säu­re- und Koh­len­hy­drat­stoff­wech­sel. OHNE künst­li­che Zusät­ze. Ohne Gen­tech­nik.*
1 Tablet­te = 25 mg ele­men­ta­res Zink; Für Tes­to­ste­ron­spie­gel, Fett­säu­re — und Koh­len­hy­drat­stoff­wech­sel.
15,99 EUR −2,40 EUR 13,59 EUR
Pure Encapsulations - Selen (Selenmethionin) - Organisch gebundenes Selenmethionin für die nachhaltige Versorgung von Schilddrüse und Immunsystem - 180 vegane Kapseln
Pure Encap­su­la­ti­ons — Selen (Selen­me­thio­nin) — Orga­nisch gebun­de­nes Selen­me­thio­nin für die nach­hal­ti­ge Ver­sor­gung von Schild­drü­se und Immun­sys­tem — 180 vega­ne Kap­seln*
Wich­ti­ges Spu­ren­ele­ment und Anti­oxi­dans – hefe­frei!; Unter­stüt­zung des Immun­sys­tems: Trägt zur nor­ma­len Funk­ti­on des Immun­sys­tems bei
59,34 EUR

Aut­hor: Clau­dia

Ich bin Clau­dia. Kin­der­wunsch-Blog­ge­rin mit über 10 Jah­ren eige­ner Kin­der­wunsch-Erfah­rung: Endo­me­trio­se-Figh­te­rin, IVF-Ken­ne­rin, ICSI-Schwes­ter, Pimp my Eggs Befür­wor­te­rin und Initia­to­rin der Kin­der­wunsch-Bewe­gung #1von7

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